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Salvation, restoration and membership!  All are welcome!  St. Luke is a church for everyone, and our pastoral staff will assist you as you begin or renew your relationship with Christ.  If you are intersted in beginning your spiritual journey, please contact Min. Alvin Wallace at

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St. Luke is a Missionary Baptist Church that practices baptism through immersion (to be dipped under) in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The water baptism is a public affirmation of your personal commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and an outward symbol of the commitment you made in your heart. The Baptism service is conducted the 1st Sunday of each month during the 10:00 a.m. worship service. New Members are required to confirm participation. 

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New Member classes are held on an as needed basis. These are typically scheduled around Church wide Orientation, that happens once a quarter by the SLM3 Ministry. .

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Upon completion of the New Member Orientation, six Bible Classes (i.e. Bible Study, Sunday School and Baptism, (if applicable) you will be extended the Right Hand of Fellowship, incorporating you as a voting member of St. Luke Missionary Baptist Church.

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St. Luke believes that acceptance of Christ and development of that relationship through prayer, worship and ministry is key to living the Christian life.  Pastoral staff members are available to assist you in developing this relationship and offering opportunities to grow!  Contact the church office today or join us for Worship on Sunday at 10:00 AM.

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Child dedication takes place on the second Sunday of each month, by appointment only. The dedication is open to both regular attendees and members of the church. The baby dedication services are for children up to two years of age. Submit your request by contacting the  church office 704-375-9650 or by email.

Bible Study

The purpose of Bible Study is to guide all members toward a personal and lifelong maturity in Christ by having a thorough understanding of the Christian faith, through personal devotion, and living an authentic family life.  Bible Study is held each Tuesday at 12:00 p.m.


Sunday School

The purpose of the Sunday School program is to facilitate Bible study at an appropriate age-level for all persons that joins the church. The weekly study includes curriculum for equipping disciples in their personal witness and ministry.  Sunday School is held every Sunday at 8:45 a.m.  The Spring Quarter lessons are available Quarter-at-a-Glance.


Vacation Bible School

The VBS program is an age-graded, Bible-centered activity conducted during the summer.  The St. Luke Vacation Bible School includes preschool, children, youth and adult activity.  It is a significant part of the church’s Bible teaching program with classes lasting two hours nightly.


The aim of the Vacation Bible School program connects to the Bible teachings that focus on the following objectives:


• Teaching the Bible

• Worshipping

• Developing skills for Christian living

• Promoting mission minds


Vacation Bible School is a vital part of the church’s educational program, and offerings received during VBS are donated to a mission project.

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